Sunday, July 25, 2010

Evaluating the GAME plan

I feel like my GAME plan has been a mini success so far. I believe that time will allow me to complete this GAME plan to a bigger success in the future. Many of my actions will be taking place when school gets back into session. I also have not had enough time available to synthesize the information like I would like.

The small success so far is finding and implementing a math tutorial program into my fifth grade classroom. Following my action plan I have been able to compile an excellent list of resources that are available on the web for free. I am going to take these resources and list them by the content strand that my students can explore on each site. After I have finished my list I am going to make posters of the list throughout the classroom for students to use. I still have some questions about one tutorial program called accelerated math. To answer my questions and to hopefully complete my GAME plan, I am going to attend a training on accelerated math at our local ESD in October. This training will hopefully provide the information that I need to make a decision about pursuing accelerated math as a district funded program.


  1. Hello Bryan,

    Prior to this course, had you ever searched the WEB for tutorial information? Over the past several years, I have created a pretty good library of physics sites that I use in class to assist my visual learners. I have also found "PurpleMath" a great site for those struggling with the math of physics.
    This past March I started using VoiceThreads to bring my classroom to the student at home. Its a lot of work, but I think it really helps my kids.

  2. Hello Bryan,
    Developing a plan to use free educational math sites for your 5th grade students to understand more advanced math concepts is a good approach. I have learned that the most unmotivated or struggling students benefit greatly from online math games because as they play to solve problems they actually forget they are learning. And since students enjoy spending their time using technology devices why not use it to help them learn. Awesome solution!

  3. I have found several great websites to use in my Walden coursework and on my own. A colleague and I set up a wiki site to store all of the links. I suppose it is a glorified favorites folder, but it does allow us both to access it and comment on the links. We even keep excellent student projects there to use as examples--it definitely opens up storage space! What are some of the resources you found? Are they mostly math specific or might they be beneficial to all teachers?

    I think it's great that you're working towards organizing the flow of all of your resources and getting them available to your students.
