Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Final Blog Post

Creating a self directed learning plan called a GAME plan was a very effective process that I look forward to using in the future. I really like the Action, Monitor, and Evaluation pieces of the GAME plan. I coach football and baseball as well as teach fifth grade. In all three situations I set goals with my students and players. After setting goals the goals are either achieved or not. Following the GAME plan will give me as well as my player and students the tools to think about the process needed to complete the goal.

My GAME plan yielded an excellent list of math tutorials that I am posting on the class website as well as posters around the classroom. I am planning on challenging students with these tutorials as well as using them as an instructional aid for students who are struggling to learn through the standard textbook curriculum. As I begin to implement these tutorials into practice I’m sure that I will be making many adjustments along the way.

After creating my content area unit plan that integrated; a problem based learning lesson, an online collaboration tool, and a digital storytelling lesson, I see that I need to take more risks to earn the rewards. I am always afraid that getting away from the textbook lessons will take too much time and students will not learn the content that is needed. The unit plan that I created has proven that the content can be learned by engaging students with technology that allows them to challenge themselves with the content. I look forward to implementing new units and lessons that will include technology with the content in the future.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Using the GAME Plan with Students

To implement the GAME plan process with my fifth grade students, I will first have to teach them each step of the process with a scaffolding technique. I will probably use my GAME plan for this class as an example. Slowly releasing the power to the students I would like them to create and execute a GAME plan in NETS-S 6-Technology Operations and Concepts-students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations.

My thoughts are to have my students choose a technology tool that we will use in fifth grade that they are not familiar with or that they might want to review and explore in greater detail. (Wiki, VoiceThread, PowerPoint, Search Engines, Accelerated Reader)

Set Goals

• Choose a piece of technology that you would like to learn how to use.

Take Action

• Determine the steps that will help you meet your goal.
• Examples-Experts, another student who has advanced skills, librarian, online tutorials


• How well is your action meeting your goal? Are you learning useful information? Should you modify your actions?


• What did you learn? How can you apply what you learned?

Any assistance in this process would be greatly appreciated!!!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Revising the GAME plan

What have you learned so far that you can apply in your instructional practice? What goals are you still working towards?

• I have learned that there are some excellent computer tutorial programs available for free and for a price.
• I have compiled a list of free computer tutorials for my students to explore.
• I have found computer tutorials that will enhance critical and creative thinking skills
• I am still working towards engaging in Professional Growth and Leadership. When school gets back in session I will finish completing my action plan to share a digital tool once a month with my Professional Learning Community.

Based on the NETS-T, what new learning goals will you set for yourself?

My next GAME plan is to implement student response systems into my classroom. My school district is piloting an assessment program next year. With this pilot is a student response system. I would like to create and follow a GAME plan to implement these tools into my classroom.

If you are not ready to set new learning goals, how will you extend what you have learned so far?

To extend what I have learned so far I would like find ways for my students to have time at school to explore the math tutorials that I have found. Many of my students do not have access online at home. I will need to work with my colleagues to be creative with our daily schedule so that my students have time to explore these resources online.

What learning approaches will you try next time to improve your learning?

The biggest change I will make next time is to focus in on one specific skill, concept, tool, goal or content. This process has gotten a little jumbled up over the last six weeks. I believe that if I narrowed down my goals and actions the GAME plan would be much clearer and more efficient. I have found that even when you think you have time there is never enough.