Monday, August 9, 2010

Using the GAME Plan with Students

To implement the GAME plan process with my fifth grade students, I will first have to teach them each step of the process with a scaffolding technique. I will probably use my GAME plan for this class as an example. Slowly releasing the power to the students I would like them to create and execute a GAME plan in NETS-S 6-Technology Operations and Concepts-students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations.

My thoughts are to have my students choose a technology tool that we will use in fifth grade that they are not familiar with or that they might want to review and explore in greater detail. (Wiki, VoiceThread, PowerPoint, Search Engines, Accelerated Reader)

Set Goals

• Choose a piece of technology that you would like to learn how to use.

Take Action

• Determine the steps that will help you meet your goal.
• Examples-Experts, another student who has advanced skills, librarian, online tutorials


• How well is your action meeting your goal? Are you learning useful information? Should you modify your actions?


• What did you learn? How can you apply what you learned?

Any assistance in this process would be greatly appreciated!!!!


  1. Bryan,

    To be honest, at first I was not sure if I liked the idea of giving students the standard I would want them to focus on but after reading your post and understanding the underlying freedom you are giving them, I changed my mind and love your idea! I was going to give my students the freedom to choose a standard but in reality that will be difficult to monitor and it will be more beneficial if every student is focused on learning relatively the same thing. In your example, all your students will complete their GAME plan with knowing a tool very well and that is wonderful! They can teach one another about their tools, etc. Plus, you are still giving them the freedom to choose a tool! Love your plan!


  2. Giving students the option to choose a technology tool is a great way to implement technology and to meet the NETS-S standards. Students engage in exploratory learning as well and become more engaged since they had a role in the process. This is a great way for students to develop their technology skills while creating an exciting assignment as well. By using the GAME Plan format the students are also able to break down the process into simplified steps to help guide them.

  3. B-
    As I was reading your post, I found myself reflecting on my daughter, who will be in fifth grade this school year. I can totally see her getting into this process. Will it be challenging? Sure, but that is where growth happens. If they are in charge of their own GAME plan, they will be able to measure their own growth! AWESOME!

    Mrs. C!
