Monday, July 5, 2010

Game Plan-NETS-T

Before starting this master’s degree program at Walden University, I needed strengthening in all of these NETS-T indicators. After completing the course work and developing new technology skills, I feel that I have gained more confidence and proficiency. With that being said, it is an ever changing world that we can never stop learning in or we will fall well behind.

One indicator that I would like to strengthen my skills in is to design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments. Specifically, standard b. develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress. To complete this goal, I would like to learn more about computer tutorials. I would like to find a math tutorial that my fifth grade students could use to meet standard b. The action that I will need to take is to review different math tutorial software. I believe that my district tech-coordinator would be a good resource to start with. I will also reach out to colleagues about their experiences with math tutorial software. I would like this tutorial to be a tool that challenges the students’ creative thinking skills. To monitor this goal, I will need to evaluate the different tutorial software to make sure that it meets the criteria that I am looking for. To evaluate and extend my learning, I want to identify the techniques that could be used best for my students. I would like to find the best ways to allow my students to be successful when using the software.

The second indicator that I would like to strengthen my skills in is engaging in professional growth and leadership. This program has increased my excitement about infusing these new technology skills into my classroom. I would also like to take a leadership role in sharing what I have learned with my intermediate grade level team. Standard b. exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making and community building as well as developing the leadership and technology skills of others. The action I would like to take is to take a leadership role and present the skills that I have learned at a professional learning community meeting. To monitor this goal, I will need to make sure that I am prepared to take this leadership role. I believe that we are not preparing our students for the technology skills needed for the future, and I would like to help my colleagues by sharing what I have learned throughout this program so far.

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