Thursday, October 29, 2009

Reflection Post

As this course draws to a close, I realize how much more confidence I am in my technology skills. I have learned how to use podcasts, wikipedias, and blogs to help become a more effective teacher. This class has given me the passion to continue to learn the new technologies that are presented and apply them to the classroom.

Being a recent graduate of an education program in 2003, they spoke to us about the methodology transformation from being teacher-centered learning to a learning-centered approach. When I got my first teaching job, I didn’t understand how to apply this learning centered approach to my job. My co-workers definitely did not support this idea of a learner-centered approach. Since then, I got a new job at an elementary school that is into teamwork and support. With the knowledge that I have gained from this class, I am beginning to see how technology is an important piece to the puzzle to create a learner-centered environment. Allowing students opportunities to seek out the information not only develops excellent skills that they will need in the future, but it allows them to construct the information in a meaningful context. Technology allows this construction of learning to take place in a fast, easy, anytime, anywhere environment if students are provided the tools and training. Before taking this class, I didn’t understand how important it is to have students prepared for 21st century literacy technologies. I now understand how important it is to provide my students with opportunities to learn using 21st century skills that will be essential to their success in the future.

To continue and expand my development in teaching and learning using 21st century technologies, I need to seek more professional development. I need to continue to learn and find training on implementing these technologies into the classroom. I also need to make time to use the community of educators that are online using educational blogs and websites like the Partnership for 21st Century Skills.

The first long term goal for transforming my classroom environment is to get more computers into my classroom, so that students have access to the technologies that are available. I currently have 3 student computers in my classroom. By working with my school district technology coordinator and applying for grants, I hope to have 10-15 computers in my classroom within the nest 2 years. The second long term goal that I would like to accomplish is to use podcasts or wikis in my classroom every quarter as a performance assessment. Within every quarter, I would like to give my students the opportunity to produce something that will be published world wide. The largest obstacle will be time. It will take time early in the school year to train my students on how to use podcast and wikis properly.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Podcast of Student Survey

I created a podcast of the information that I gathered from my fifth grade class about their use of technology outside of school. Below is the link if you would like to have a listen..